December 02, 2017

To my dearest friend,

I know you've gone through a lot,
A tough one,
Things were sucks back then.

I know you've done things a lot,
Sacrifices, efforts,
But then you feel unappreciated.

I know you feel disappointed,
Your heart torn into pieces,
Seeing that people are not seeing you.

But then,
You are wrong, sayang. You are wrong.
I love you.
We love you. So much.

It is just that, I am a human too.
I got tired, 
I feel like don't want to talk,
I got my own ups and downs.

Same with others, dear.
We sometimes forgot.
Forgot to appreciate people around us.
Until one day, they left. No longer turning back.

But please, don't leave.
Don't turn into you in the past times.
And please, please.
Please don't expect people to always be with us.
Shit happens, and people would leave. 

Yes dear.
I've gone through that. It hurts.
It hurts to see people are really enjoying their life while we don't.
Like, they don't even care. 

People are like that, dear. Like that.

So please, I am begging you,
Please forgive me for all the wrongdoings I've done to you.
For the time I should lend,
For the attention I should give,
For the love I should share.

Just know that,
I love you.
We love you, dear.

October 12, 2017


Sepertinya, semua orang sudah lelah.

Mahu lari.


Apabila hari hari yang dulunya seri,
Gelak tawa tiada perlu dinanti,
Sepi merindui,

Kini, dampingnya pudar,
Pelangi tetapi hitam dan putih,
Gula tetapi manisnya layang,

Lalu aku di sini, kulihatnya semua,
Jika penuh kudratku, 
Jika kental hatiku,
Ingin saja aku pergi ke sana,
"Mari, genggam tangan aku dan kita lari",

Realiti tidak mati.
Kita yang mati.

Andai mampu saja kita ubah manusia,
Andai mampu saja kita hidup sendiri,
Andai mampu saja kita pegun,

Pasti indah,
Semua di hati dalam genggaman,
Tiada hasutan manusia durjana,
Tiada nafsu tak tentu hala.

Cuma aku pinta,
Undur sedikit saja ke belakang,
Kalih kiri dan kanan,
Menatap langit menyembah bumi.

Ada yang lebih kuasa.

Dan kita hamba.

June 16, 2017


I still remember on the very first time I was going to kindergarten. Excited much. I don't even cry (like my friends did) and feel scared. I was waaaaay too excited maybe to have new friends. The distance from my home and kindergarten is not so far, so my Ibu would send me riding a bicycle (it was blue, small). Ohh and not to forget, she was never fail to prepare me a 'bekal'. Let it be fried rice, 'roti celup telur' (how can I translate them in English?) or chicken nuggets (all time favourite). During recess time, my friends and I would eat together and stealing other people's food too! Hehe.

When it comes to graduation day, we would take a formal photo just few days before the event. During my 5 years old photograph day, I was feeling so excited that I wanted to look nice (and cuter than my friends which will not be happen of course) so my Ibu did two-braids; left and right side of my hair. Unfortunately, upon completing, I realized that the braids is not symmetry that the left one is shorter than the other one. And it was on my photograph day. Sad, but it was already late at that time so my Ibu said 'Takpelah tak nampak sangat', rode the blue bicycle to kindergarten. I still have the photo now, sitting on the front row (because I was short; am short) and obviously, the braids took all the attention upon myself. So yeah.

That was the story for 17 years ago.

And now I am already 22.

So means my Ibu is 17 years older now. Which make her 49 this year.

49 means a lot.

A lot in age means getting older.

Older means sicker.


Quite number of my friends told me that their moms are starting to get worse in their health. Heart disease, cancer etc. Which I would see myself in my Ibu, on how she struggles to even go upstairs to the second floor of my house. No more shopping Raya like last time, no more 'jalan jalan cuci mata' at shopping malls. Her steps are getting slower and weaker. Day by day. Ohh, her medicine. It's like Tic Tac with various colours but apparently not taste that good. Monthly medical check up from once a month to twice a month. Suddenly can't walk because she said the world is spinning around her, so we have to stop where we at, waiting for the spinning to go away.

Sigh. Again.

I have to pretend I am strong whenever I feel don't. I have to pretend I am okay whenever accompany her for medical check up. I have to pretend I am happy with my life whenever she ask me.

I have to. I am the only one for her. I couldn't and shouldn't disappoint her.

Which sometimes I can't. 

May Allah bless you, Ibu. Always.

May 25, 2017

Jangan pergi

Kadang kadang, aku tak dapat nafikan yang otak aku kosong.

Macam kau masuk satu bilik, empat penjuru, dinding warna putih. Sampaikan mana bucu pun tak nampak sebab terlalu putih.


Dan, begitulah aku.

Kadang kadang, aku ini hanya hidup kerana hidupnya orang sekeliling aku. Mereka ada untuk aku. Bukan aku yang hidupkan aku.


Kadang kadang aku terfikir, ibadat yang aku lakukan selama ini. Tuhan pandang? Tuhan terima? Dosa dosa yang aku buat. Tuhan ampunkan?

Kenapa aku masih rasa kosong?

Rasa seolah olah hilang tujuan hidup.

Tuhan, aku mohon kau jangan pernah lepaskan aku. Aku sudah nampak betapa indahnya aturan Kau untuk aku. Cuma aku mohon, jangan Kau lepaskan aku. Jangan.

Untuk kalian,

Bantu aku cari aku, boleh?

February 14, 2017

Dear self,

Dear self,

Please be strong. Nothing comes easy, girl. Nothing.

You can do beyond your imagination.

Be grateful for people around you. They help you a lot. They appreciate your existence.

It's okay to be sad. But don't let it fades your inner strength.

Believe in your soul,

Dear self.